What to Expect
The east and west entrances to the church are fully accessible to all. Since our sanctuary is up a short flight of stairs we have an elevator available for anyone to use either to the sanctuary, the foyer, or the basement.

Please ask an usher for hearing assistance devices or large print bulletins or hymnals.

We typically have a pastor greeting people as they go up to the sanctuary. At each sanctuary door you will find an usher who will greet you and offer a bulletin. The bulletin includes our weekly calendar, announcements, and the order of the worship service.

A nursery and toddler play room are available throughout the service for any family needing to use them during worship or Sunday School. The nursery includes a diaper changing area, sink, and single use restroom as well as cribs, rocking chairs, and a few toys. The worship service plays over a speaker into the nursery.

Please ask an usher for help locating either of these rooms or to get someone to assist or watch children. Kingdom Kids is held most Sundays during the months of September through May. Children in kindergarten through 5th grade are dismissed part way through the service and are invited to take part in their own worship and learning experience.

General Information
Worship starts at 9:30 am and people typically arrive anytime within half an hour prior to the start. You are welcome to talk with others in the foyer or go to the sanctuary and find a seat. Worship typically lasts 60-75 minutes and is followed by a time of fellowship prior to the start of Sunday school, at approximately 10:45.

During worship the worship leader will guide the congregation through the order of the service while the song leader leads our times of singing, either acapella or with instrumental accompaniment.

We often have a time of sharing for announcements, prayer requests, and testimony. During that time the ushers make wireless handheld microphones available for anyone who would like to share.

Visit the Sermons & Music pages to find out more about those areas of worship.